Monday, 24 April 2017


I find myself again achy and tired and in a Latrobe seminar room at the Shepparton campus. My writing classmates and I are talking to two artists involved in the festival. The first gentleman, John Head, is the former festival director and now treasured festival patron.  An interesting bit of Shepp-Fest trivia: the upside down harmonica trophy was made in honour of John, apparently a keen harp player.  

John is another one of these freaky achiever types. Unsatisfied as just a podiatrist by trade and the former director, he yearly lends his time and skills to the festival in both organisational and artistic capacities. He writes plays, raises funding, and has apparently this year constructed some unusual sculpture at the top of a mountain out of Shepparton. Some tidbits of hearsay I happened across at a local cafe leads me to understand that John has a rare medical condition where he is unable to sleep and which still somehow allows him to function without any signs of sleep deprivation. 

The other artist and gentleman, Gerard Van Dyck, is really no less impressive. I find myself writing fewer notes while Gerard is speaking and asking more questions, perhaps because Gerard is fresh from his performance in the festival. His show from all accounts had been great. I did not get to see Gerard's show due to my poor organisation skills, and had to settle for an online trailer. Knowing I've missed Gerard's show makes me want to be more like John and Gerard.

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